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Orthopedic Insoles
Custom Prescription Orthotics

A foot orthotic is a device that can be discreetly inserted into the shoe to support, align, prevent, and/or accommodate foot abnormalities and improve how the foot functions. Our specially trained chiropractors work with you to create a custom prescribed orthotic to promote support, healing and better alignment of your joints and tissues. Our orthotics come with a 30 day money back guarantee - if you are unhappy with your orthotics, you'll get a full refund.

Conditions that can be alleviated by orthotics:

  • Arthritis

  • Back pain

  • Bunions

  • Bursitis

  • Diabetes

  • Flat feet

  • Hammer toes

  • Heel spurs

  • High arches

  • Injuries

  • Plantar fasciitis

Why Choose An OHP Chiropractor for your custom orthotics?

No two bodies are the same, and because of this fact we believe every person deserves a custom and individualized treatment and plan of OHP plan of treatment. Kelowna chiropractors have a great reputation of providing quality, patient centered care. We make our patient's feel heard, and work hard to understand their goals and needs. Additionally, our Chiropractors are some of the most experienced around, giving you peace of mind that you are getting the best care possible.

What to expect during your first visit?

A detailed assessment of your foot and body mechanics and your painful conditions. Our experts aim to determine the root cause of the complaint, walk you through your treatment options, administer care, and integrate exercises that will help prevent the pain from coming back. We complete a thorough assessment of your gait, stance, arches, lower limb and back mechanics. Additionally, our clinic has advance gait scanning technology to measure where force transmits in your foot. Using this ensures your orthotics are the perfect fit for you.

Our Chiropractors


Dr. Donna McAllister


Dr. Michael Schmidt


Dr. Rob Mutch


Dr. Dane Carlson

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