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Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression - Cox Technique
Non-surgical spinal decompression, also known as Cox technique, is a hands on treatment, specifically designed to treat low back conditions such as lumbar and cervical disc herniations, discogenic low back and neck pain, spinal stenosis and general low back pain. The treatment works by alleviating pressure within the disc and on the nerve roots, as well as stretching tight muscles. This can help reduce both low back pain and the radicular pain assocated with these conditions.
Conditions that respond well to Cox spinal decompression
Lumbar and cervical disc herniations
Discogenic low back and neck pain
Lumbar radiculopathy
Spinal stenosis
Evidence on the effectiveness of the Cox teqnique
Increases the disc space height 17%
Increases the nerve opening sizes in the spine through which spinal nerves pass from the spinal cord to the body by up to 28% in area
Intradiscal pressure reduction which reduces nerve irritation inside the disc and reduces nerve pressure on exiting nerves from the spine that cause arm and leg pain. This drop in pressure has been measured as high as 192 mm reduced pressure inside the intervertebral disc.
Restores normal range of motion to the joints of the spine
Establishes nerve conduction from the extremities, spinal joints and intervertebral discs to the spinal cord and brain that have a sedating and pain relieving capability. (afferentation)
Murphy D et al: Nonsurgical approach to the management of patients with lumbar radiculopathy secondary to herniated disk: a prospective observational cohort study with follow-up. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 2009; 32(9):723-33
49 consecutive patients with disc herniation confirmed on MRI with pain and disability for an average of 60.5 weeks were treated 2-3 times a week initially for 3 weeks with flexion distraction manipulation.
Flexion Distraction manipulation, neurodynamic techniques, joint manipulation, myofascial technic and exercise were utilized.
Clinical outcome at end of treatment and 14.5 months later showedClinically meaningful improvement of pain and disability in
79% and 70% of patients respectfully at end of treatment
79% and 73% respectfully at 14.5 months follow-up
Why choose an OHP chiropractor
No two bodies are the same, and because of this fact we believe every person deserves a custom and individualized treatment and plan of treatment plan. Our chiropractors have a great reputation of providing quality care to those in Kelowna and the Okanagan. We make our patient's feel heard, and work hard to understand their goals and needs. Additionally, our Chiropractors are some of the most experienced around, giving you peace of mind that you are getting the best care possible.
What to expect during your first visit
Through the application of the Cox technique, the compressed space is re-opened, effectively releasing pressure off the affected nerve. Aside from releasing pressure on the nerve, this type of spinal manipulation can also be used to maintain disc health, reclaim any loss or restriction in motion as well as boost muscle and ligament recovery with the tissues. Cox treatments are often paired with other treatment techniques such as spinal manipulation/mobilization, prescribed exercises and stretches, and general lifestyle advice.
OHP cox technique chiropractors